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Common Knowledge: The Councilmembers

Councilors of the Sanctuary Town Council (in descending order by votes recieved at most recent election)

  • Demetrius Bhast Race: Human. Biography: A distinguished and silver-haired member of the Sanctuary Council and recently-appointed Mayor, Demetrius Bhast possesses a sharp tongue and acerbic wit. His stirring speeches have earned him the support of a sizable number of Sanctuary citizens, and he is well known for his substantial personal contributions to the town's welfare. These contributions, which Demetrius never fails to point out, have nevertheless not diminished his relatively lavish lifestyle. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Marpenoth 1357 elections.

  • Adelia Tyrell Race: Human. Biography: Adelia Tyrell is a dedicated scholar and priestess of Oghma who has done much to catalogue many of the area's most pressing mysteries. In her early years in Sanctuary, she did not hesitate to roll up her sleeves and investigate mysteries herself. Compelled by conscience to join the Town Council, she has recently had little time for research or writing, although she's always on the lookout for a pupil to continue her work. Service: She was first elected to the Council in the Eleasis 1365 elections.

  • Baron Maxwell von Matterheim Race: Gnome. Biography: A Sanctuary hero, Paladin of Gael Ironhand, and former Lieutenant of the Watch, he remains popular with the people and strives to make the city safe for all good, hard-working gnomes. He has been a part of Sanctuary almost since its beginning, and in his old age has become dependent on a rather large ear-trumpet, typically assembled by one of his many attractive nurses. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Eleasis 1373 elections.

  • Gloinar Runehammer Race: Dwarven. Biography: A former Private of the Sanctuary Town Watch, Gloinar Runehammer is a blunt, practical, defense-minded Councilor with an odd spark of compassion for excuseably wayward citizens -- and cold judgement in reserve for true enemies of the city. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Marpenoth 1373 elections.

  • Frum Highill Race: Halfling. Biography: Frum Highill is an energetic and industrious merchant who has argued for establishing stronger trading relations with other nearby settlements. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Kythorn 1373 elections.

Recent, Former Councilors of the Sanctuary Town Council

  • Akevitt Anvilsmasher Race: Dwarven. Biography: Thane of the Stoutheart Dwarves, Akevitt Anvilsmasher was a determined leader who was elected to the Council after promising to take a hard line against drow infiltration of the city. He was assassinated by Maalgor "the Malevolent" before he could see drow legally expelled from the city. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Kythorn 1373 elections.

  • Alexander Archibald Race: Human. Biography: Alexander Archibald is the grandson of Henry Archibald, one of the leaders of the expedition that founded Sanctuary. After leaving the Order of the Spellguard several months ago, he was elected to the Council on a humanitarian platform, arguing that devoting resources to the needs of the town's people ought take priority over exploration and turning the town's focus outward. He did not run for a third term, the rumor being family pressure to marry and continue the Archibald line. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Kythorn 1373 elections.

  • Eugene Castile Race: Human. Biography: Eugene Castile was an Ordinant of the Society of the Ordered Mind and cleric of Mystra who considered the aberrations in and around Sanctuary to be the city's- and thus the Council's- greatest threats. He kept a critical and suspicious outlook regarding the Order of the Spellguard and their restrictions on magic use. He announced that he would be leading an assault on the Illithid city of Ysinode prior to his disappearance at the end of his last term. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Eleasis 1373 elections.

  • Lucien Deaxfortes Race: Human. Biography: Also assistant to the first member of the "Lower Council", Lucien Deaxfortes has disappeared from public view; most people agree that he is likely dead. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Eleasis 1373 elections.

  • Julian Fryar Race: Human. Biography: Julian Fryar was a Paladin of Illmater, and his chief concern was the defense and well-being of the people. He made a strong effort to maintain personal contact with citizens, both of Upper and Lower Sanctuary, often holding various community services in the former House of Light, now known as "the Beacon". Following the Sslal'teesh attack, a large Shadow Dragon demanded Fryar outside of Town Hall, angered at the slaughter of one of his finest servants. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Eleasis 1373 elections.

  • Gaeseric the Unyielding Race: Human. Biography: Gaeseric "the Unyielding" is a formidable man of impressive physical stature, an ex-slave who escaped from drow captivity with his mute companion Gundahar. Having been in the city for well over a year, Gaeseric has had time to adapt to the nuances of "free" life in the Underdark, and has begun attracting something of a political following based on his personal strength, pro-active attitude, and down-home charismatic flair. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Marpenoth 1371 elections.

  • Maeturorant Gorthaurca Race: Elven. Biography: Maeturorant Gorthaurca was a defense-minded Councilor, a member of the elven Warband in Sanctuary, and a supporter of the Spellguard's duties. The Sanctuary Town Watch has yet to complete the investigation into his death... Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Eleasis 1373 elections.

  • Ronus Graidan Race: Dwarven. Biography: Ronus Graidan was a personable, traditionalist member of the Council. He believes in a low-profile role for the town, arguing against slave-freeing raids or opening up the gates for trade. Graidan makes up for his occasional lack of eloquence with his straightforward attitude and his determination to keep true to promises that he makes. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Eleasis 1368 elections. He was appointed Sheriff of the Watch in Eleasis 1373.

  • Gibbon Meldren Race: Human. Biography: A voiced woshipper of Talona, Gibbon Meldren maintained contact with the prominent figures of Lower Sanctuary in reuinification efforts following the Tiger Eye Rebellion, and advocated a preemptive attack on the Lizardfolk of nearby Sslal'teesh after the outbreak of the Rotting Death Plague. He died trying to recruit rebel lizardfolk against the Moander cultists of Sslal'teesh. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Eleasis 1373 elections.

  • Shane Race: Human. Biography: Born in Lower Sanctuary, Shane is a kind-hearted former Seeker who tries to approach the citizenry on a personal level whenever time allows for it. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Tarsakh 1373 elections.

  • Grigor Starag Race: Human. Biography: Earthwalker Grigor Starag, a devout and respected priest of Grumbar, ran the largest shrine in Sanctuary. Although not a natural orator, he is a dependable and conservative presence in the Council and did not hesitate to make his opinions known. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Nightal 1352 elections. He underwent the ritual of the Unchanging Form at the end of Flamerule 1373.

  • Dungal Toboerski Race: Human. Biography: Dungal Toboerski was the cousin of Gregor Toboerski, the patriarch of House Toboerski. The Toboerski family was a prominent family with a short history in the city. His campaign focused on increasing the city's military strength. Most of his House's knights and servants died or deserted seemingly overnight, with wild talk of various supernatural mayhem. Service: He was first elected to the Council in the Kythorn 1373 elections.

Pepto Fizzwiggle Race: Gnomish Biography: One of the town's premier tradesmen, Councillor Fizzwiggle is entering his second term of office. Councillor Fizzwiggle is a smallish, bald gnome of middling gnomish age. He is known for the strict shrewdness that has enabled him to succeed in business, as well as in Council. A likeable sort, he always mingles among the people, selling his wares and meeting new faces. His supporters cite his dogged dedication to improving public welfare, while his critics complain of his mood swings and questionable health.

Councilor Fizzwiggle in known for his work to encourage support of tradesmen in the city, as well as working to rejoin New Dunwarren to Sanctuary. Also, on the scandalous side, he was briefly imprisoned for treason, when councilors Yauhnn and Ayumi attempted a bloodless coup. It soon came to light that Fizzwiggle went along with them under threat of death, and his name was fully cleared.

Councilor Fizzwiggle died of apparent natural illness in Eleint 152.

Service: Mirtul 152 - 3rd place (of 5) 114 votes Flamerule 152 - 6th place (of 5) 114 votes*

*Councilor Fizzwiggle claimed office following the untimely death of Councilor Haldor Longhand.

Varlam Nitkovich Race: Human Biography: A mage by nature, Councilor Nitkovich has a long history in the town, and is entering his first term. He is a man approaching thirty years of age, with long brown hair and an attractive, finely featured face. He is lean, and is known to dress particularly well.

Councilor Nitkovich came to the town an aimless drifter, lacking direction in his newfound life. He soon found this among the ranks of the Spellguard, where he served dutifully before being honorably discharged at his own request. He desired to serve his town in a different manner, and entered into employ at the Office of the Herald, as a civil servant that ensured the gears of Sanctuary's political and economic machine operated smoothly. He resigned his position to run for office, believing that he could serve his town even more strongly as a Councilor.

The councilor's supporters laud his attention to detail, tireless work, and clear dedication to the well being of the citizens. His critics cite his checkered past, and rapidly changing affiliations as weaknesses. Service: Flamerule 152 - 1st place (of 5) 131 votes

Hoaradin Delorin Race: Human Biography: A fiercefully faithful priest of Kossuth, Councilor Delorin is entering his first term. He is a fit man nearing his thirties, with a shock of red hair atop his head.

A relative newcomer to Sanctuary politics, Delorin is known for his fiery demeanor, unwavering faith in Kossuth, and his determination to succeed. His supporters cite his nearly inhuman volume of activity on the Council, his his ability to juggle multiple initiatives at once, and his strong dedication to seeing them through. His critics consider him a pompous blowhard, with questionable allegiance - saying his faith is more important to him than the town.

Councillor Delorin was dishonorably removed from Council after being involved in a trial-rigging scandal. He has been missing since shortly after this time. Service: Flamerule 152 - 3rd place (of 5) 120 votes.

Tayest Rusk Race: Human. Biography: A relative newcomer to the city, Councilor Rusk is entering his first term. A young man just entering his twenties, he is a lean, physically powerful man with an air of unbridled confidence about him. He has dark shoulder length hair, piercing blue eyes, and is often seen with a day-old growth of beard poking through.

Councilor Rusk appeared nearly out of nowhere, winning voters over with his no-nonsense approach to governing. He is known to frequent Lower Sanctuary as much as he is Upper, and seems to have no interest in the posturing and gamesmanship often rife in politics. His supports applaud his strength of character and purpose, and his willingness to tackle problems head on. His critics voice their many suspicions on the true intent of the Councilor, as he claims land in Lower, and was generally an unknown face in the town before his election to office.

Councilor Rusk went missing shortly after his term of office began. Service:Flamerule 152 - 5th place (of 5) 115 votes

Valaron Sunellar Race: Aasimar Biography: Former Watch Lieutenant Valaron Sunellar made the transition to politics on a platform of strength, morality, and dedication to rooting out corruption in the town's establishment. After rising rapidly through the ranks of the Watch, the young (mid-20s) and good looking Sunellar was seen by many as one of the town's few current heroes, and handily took first place in his first attempt at elections.

Known as much for his long, radiant silver hair and commanding prescence as his tenure in the Watch, his supporters laud his dedication and conviction in achieving his goals, his proven track record in service to the town, and unwavering belief in what is right.

His opponents consider him little more than a dangerous zealot, bent on imposing his morality on the entirety of the town. Considered by some to be a vain megalomaniac, his rivals often point out the fact that his 'distinguished' service came to an end when he walked out on the Watch.

Whether beloved or despised, few can doubt that Councilor Sunellar is one of the most powerful men in Sanctuary at the current time.

Councilor Sunellar voluntarily stepped down to the surprise of many, citing difficulty in reconciling his personal beliefs with the needs of the city.


Eleint 152 - 1st place (of 5) 191 votes

Leonard Merrickson Race: Human Biography: A young man who rose to prominence during the New Dunwarren reintegration period, Councilor Merrickson in entering his first term of council.

Perhaps best known in town as the new Caretaker of the Mausoleum, he basis his campaign on keeping Sanctuary safe and secure, yet not at the cost of personal freedoms or morally ambiguous action. He believes that there is always a right way to do things, and even if it is more difficult in the short term, in the end, it will yield the best results.

His supporters point to his tireless work undertaking a task few others would wish in the mausoleum, and his apparently genuine interest in the well-being of the common man as clear examples of why he is clearly fit for office.

During his campaign, he survived several scandals that his opponents are quick to pounce on in decrying him as a fraud and zealot. Firstly, the mausoleum was severely damaged under his care, with threats of further violence to come should he not back out of the running. Secondly, in the past he has advocated an eschewing of the council system in favor of a monarchy, and the appearence of related flyers penned by Merrickson were an embarassment to his campaign. Many rivals consider him a wishy-washy young dreamer who's intentions may be good, but who is somewhat inept at managing his own life, let alone the town.

Councilor Merrickson was tragically slain by the outlaw necromancer Aleczumberzeil mid-term.


Eleint 152 - Fifth place (of 5) 121 votes

William Donrick Race: Human Biography:

Born to the notable Donrick family, William Donrick is a thirty-something year old man of average build, and a courteous manner.

Noted for being the more 'level headed' of the Donrick brood, he has eschewed his kin's love of festivity and fancy, in favor of a more dutiful approach to the role of his family in the everyday goings-on of Sanctuary.

William Donrick has won the most recent elections by garnering support from both the Watch and Spellguard, as well as his faithful service during the previous term.

As a councilor, Donrick has focused highly on mercantile interests, and has opened trade with the dwarves of the Holdfast as well as lobbied to have the ban on duergar removed in hopes of bringing trade back to levels of the past. He also was instrumental in overturning the vague conspiracy laws, and personally invested in the founding of the Sanctuary Shelter. He is also responsible for the necromancer Aleczumberzeil being an active enemy of Sanctuary, and it is noted that the necromancer's crimes have been fewer since the decree was made.

His supporters state that of all councilors, William Donrick is the most flexible and willing to adhere to what he believes is best for the town, regardless of outside influences and political pressures. His detractors claim that he more concerned with keeping the Donrick name prominent than anything, and is prone to playing favorites at the expense of the general welfare of the town.

Service: Eliasis 152 - 3rd place (of 5) 140 votes Uktar 152 - 1st place (of 5) 211 votes

Jacelyn Cheval Race: Human Biography:

On the surface, a world traveller born in Tethyr, Councilor Cheval escaped a drow slave train to find Sanctuary, and is now serving his second term of office.

A blond haired, fine featured young man, Councilor Cheval is known for his easy smile, missing finger, curious accent, and penchant for dressing with flair seldom seen so far below.

As a councilor, he was initially brought to office via the surprising resignation of Valaron Sunellar. Initially on a pro-Seeker, pro-escape platform, Councilor Cheval seemed more than ready to confront the reigning status quo in Upper Sanctuary.

Since he gained office, however, he has proven willing to adapt to the existing system and to work within its boundaries, and his re-election was supported primarily via a combination of support from the Spellguard, and merchant interests led by Belo Macasta.

His supports laud his willingness to adapt and the fresh faced energy that he brings to a Council often considered stodgy. His critics consider him a duplicitious turncoat who will land on whichever side is most convenient for Jacelyn Cheval.

During his term, his most notable proposal to be approved was the occupation plan for the floundering canal ward, which is currently an ongoing project. He also proposed and had approved the funding of personal bodyguards for Council members, in an attempt to bring some level of constantcy to the position.

Service: Eliasis 152 - 6th place (of 5) 113 votes Uktar 152 - 2nd place (of 5) 193 votes

Andrew Deepingdale Race: Human Biography:

A tall, dark haired man in his late teens, Andrew Deepingdale was born and raised in Sanctuary, the son of two former adventurers who had taken up residence in the Upper district.

He was elected on a platform of firm support for the Sanctuary Watch, believing them to be of utmost importance in providing an environment for the town as a whole to flourish. This likely gained him many of the conservative votes that went to Sunellar last term, and allowed him to place a respectable third in his first election.

His supporters consider him a practical and reliable choice, while his detractors consider him unproven and single minded.


Uktar 152 - 3rd place (of 5) 130 votes.

Wyric Crowshire Race: Human Biography: Originally from due north of Neverwinter, Councilor Crowshire is now entering his fifth term of office. Councilor Crowshire is a muscular, blond haired man nearing thirty years of age. A down to earth sort, he prefers direct, one-on-one discussions with the citizenry as opposed to glamour and bombast. His supporters call his manner patient and thoughtful, while his critics call his manner passive and timid.

Councilor Crowshire has successfully lobbied to have half-orc voting rights restored, as well as been integral in many trade-related initiatives on the Council. Crowshire also supported both the library initiative, as well as the initiative to gain protection from the shadow dragon, Etorix, when drow threatened the town. He also has the distinction of being the last Mayor of the town, having served for several hours following the death of Demetrius Bhast.

Although Councillor Crowshire has become well known as a leader of Sanctuary, a couple of scandalous trials in the Eleint-Uktar 152 period cost him a lot of support in the Uktar 152 elections, and he only barely made it on the Council.

Service: Nightal 151 - 5th place (of nine) Alturiak 152 - 3rd place (of 5) 131 votes Mirtul 152 - 4th place (of 5) 111 votes Flamerule 152 - 4th place (of 5) 116 votes Eliasis 152 - 2nd place (of 5) 161 votes Uktar 152 - 4th place, tied (of 5) 113 votes