*Dungal calls the heads of the various defense organizations to attend a short speech about new legislation that affects these orders, the speech is held publically at Townhall for those that can attend*
It is my opinion that the chaos in Lower Sanctuary is partially blamed upon the inability of the various defense leagues in Sanctuary to work together under the common guidance of the Council. While the Council itself has been responsible for many errors, that is changing under the current members. More importantly, our defense is changing.
It has been too secretive, the nature of each organization to operate nearly independently of one another let alone the Council has bred corruption. It has allowed finances to be squandered. The Council is often left in the dark about specific ongoing investigations that involve the very safety of the city from nearby dragons, strange mystical keys locking awa fiends, or even attempts by members of the Watch to blackmail Councilors--quickly swept away by those in command on the grounds 'blackmail isn't a crime'.
*Dungal pauses a full thirty seconds to glare harshly at the Sheriff or highest ranking watchman present*
This will be ending under a new proclamation by the Council, written by Sir Alexander Archibald, that states:
"The Watch, Spellguard, Seekers and Society shall be subject to a mandatory report of their current major operations, updates on their numbers, and in what way they are spending their money. Anything else which is of importance is to be included in these reports, which may aid the Council in planning, and reacting to troubles which may arise.The Watch is asked to keep the Council updated as to the largest criminal threats to the city and number of arrests since last report.
The Spellguard is asked to keep us abreast on the larger magical threats, how many wards they are currently maintaining, and the strength of the Animatronic Forces they maintain.
The Society shall be given the task of explaining to the Council what the dominant abberant threat of the area currently is, and what they are doing about it, while the Seekers will report on what moves they have made recently, what operations they are currently performing, and what maps they have made.
These reports will be sent to the Council every two weeks, written by one of the members of the respective Organizations, and signed off on by the Head of said Defense Organization. "
This legislation was necessary. In planning the rebuilding of Sanctuary, in ending the chaos in the Lower Wards; the Council met resistance and continues to meet resistance in answering even basic questions about man power, preparedness, and even some members of the Seekers who believed it in their authority to "opt out" of a Council led initiative directly relating to the safety of citizens in Lower Sanctuary.
*a briefer, though no less harsh glare for Ivylisar should he be present*
Those with questions for the Council are welcome to address them. But it is my hope friends that this bridges a gap between the Council and the forces under its direct control. With better information given to the Council we can address immediate threats, ensure funds go to the organizations doing the most for our safety, and begin the long process of rooting out the corrupt; despicable; and traitorous in our midst.
*another look for the Sheriff (or nearby Watchman) and Dungal leaves the stand*