The Council under the guidance of Alexander Archibald, Demetrius Bhast, and myself have begun to take action to save Sanctuary from the chaos that is ripping it apart. These three Councilors, acting on a suggestion from Councilor Bhast have directed the monies that once went to pay the Tigereye mercenaries into the largest charities in the city.
We are honored to announce that former Councilor Ernestine Helthor, long and well lauded for her honesty and dedication to the common good has accepted a post to direct the Sanctuary Unity Funds to the Archibald Refuge Camp, the Lower Ward Refuge Camp, and for distribution at the Susan Bhast Memorial. We expect food, needed raw materials for repairs, and blankets and medicene will soon be making their way to our people.
To ensure these deliveries arrive safely, the Bhast mercenaries and Toboerski Knights will guard the supplies on their way to distribution. My fellow citizens, through the wisdom of the Council there is hope for Sanctuary.