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Seeking a Squire

Various flyers are left neatly posted at the Mausoleum, Last Stand, and Pissing Crone Inn. The handwriting of the flyers is fussily neat and rather archaic.

If you are a young man or woman willing to dedicate yourself to the difficult and grim tradition of becoming a Warrior Scrivener in the service of the Lord of the End of Everything, Eternal Jergal, a position as a squire to Warrior Scrivener Castor Grimfael is available.

Squires will be expected to clean and burnish armor, tend to weapons, run errands, assist with the proper handling of the remains of the deceased, assist in the recording of the names of the dead, assist in the making of other pertinent records, assist in any other needed duties, and finally accompany Warrior Scrivener Castor Grimfael into battle (which will be a regular occurence).

Squires will also be expected to commit themselves to the vigils, rituals, lessons, and exercises necessary to becoming a Warrior Scrivener of Jergal as taught by Warrior Scrivener Grimfael.

The advantanges of arms, equipment, a reasonable stipend, and the benefit of learning and wisdom will be made available to the applicant accepted.

Leave word at the Last Stand if interested

After a long absence, more fliers are put up