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Goblin stew disease

As you might be aware, eating The Stew from the goblins in Lower can cause a fortitude check, which, if failed, causes a disease. Well, I contracted it... and my Int and Con dropped, from 17 to 16 and from 14 to 13, respectively. Not wanting to lose more stats, I took a tonic and cured myself of the disease, but left the stat drain, thinking it would go away on its own. It didn't, not even after resting thrice. Well, then I finally got a potion of lesser restoration... and it didn't cure that very special stat drain! Instead, my CON dropped to 12 and my INT to 14 [after the disease had already been cured long ago by the tonic]! I tried relogging, and doing it again. No use. I tried resting afterwards. No use. So... is the goblin-made stew from lower intended to be this cruel? Only thanks to Howland who kindly killed me [and revived me on the spot] could that be cured. Is this a bug? Or just especially potent stew from Rexbn? [Or however you spell his name.]

This is a bug. (though I could see it being a feature!)

Has anybody else had this happen?

Should be fixed as of v758.