- Biamo Velgelis needs an option to abandon the quest.
- Don't know if this is intentional or not (I guess it is), but the bark zombies aren't really undead as much as they're nondead, in that Cure/Inflict spells affect them like normal creatures (and turning obviously doesn't work either).
Green Cave
The first half is a valid point. He probably needs an add command too. He probably hasn't been updated since last year.
On the second part, that's true, they are not actually undead. They just behave in a zombie-like manner, and have been called zombies by some people. They are actually more plant-like.
Can they be turned with the Plant-domain, like vermin, and if not, should they?
Because nwn#1 chose plant domain to turn vermin not plants thats what we have.
Unfortunately very few plant creatures and spells relating to plants made it into NWN from the source material.
3.5 plant domain is here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spellLists/clericDomains.htm#plantDomain
Which says that plant domain IS actually supposed to affect plant creatures and NOT vermin. I guess with the lack of plant creatures in NWN#1 they chose vermin. Though this is also V3.5 rules , not sure what 3.0 says.
Biamo Velgelis' conversation should be upgraded in v755.