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I recently downloaded a dodgey .exe. Heckling for my stupidity and naivette aside, does anyone know any decent links for cleaning software?

I get loads of popups advertising antivirus software which have been caused by whatever it is my PC has. There was a time when winlogon.exe was going apeshit and crashing my PC but running adaware seemed to clear that up. It won't clear these ads though!

Trendmicro won't work either, for some reason.

Suggestions welcome.

You can try a program called NoAdware, should be around v3 now. Has kept my comp clean so far.

Easiest way is just to do a system restore to the time before you downloaded this .exe.

I had something similiar happen and I spent a full day, doing some damage to my PC and still not removing it. A system restore is just the best route.

Inq is right, but to answer your question anyways... Grisoft Anti-Virus Free and Adaware are what I use and I'm very happy with them.

Much love for you guys. Seems things are back to normal!


lovethesuit For all your future references, if you ever find something that just won't go away with anti-adware/spyware/malware/viruses and the like, find out what the file is and use http://www.docsdownloads.com/Tier1/dr-delete.htm

Kay? Kay.

(Look at me, I'm one of those advertising forum spam jerks!)