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A Letter For a Common Citzen

Good people of Sanctuary:

I have observed some kind of behaviour from part of the people living in our Town. The urge to judge and to condemn of good free people based in nothing more than bonds of friendship or association with determined class. Let me explain with examples:

1 - A quarrel starts to occur between citzen A and citzen B. Citzen C, friend of citzen A, without even listen the start of the quarrel took the side of your friend, without know who is the right one at the quarrel. Citzen C just presumes that his friend will never makes mistakes and there we go, we have a rumor spread. This is more problematic, when citzen C is an agent of law. I don't wanna talk about names, but I witnessed a situation like that, today!

2 - A quarrel starts to occur between citzen A and citzen B. The citzen A is a mage, a rogue, a ranger, a bard, a common citzen. The citzen B is a Paladin. Well, looks like that the Law in Town is: "The Paladins are super human that never commit any mistake. Never". Well, good people of Sanctuary. I believe that all humans are allowed to commit mistake once in a while. So, let's always listen to the two parts of a quarrel before having any judgements.

3 - A quarrel starts to occur between citzen A and citzen B. The citzen A is a knigth, the citzen B is an old woman that doesn't have one arm. The citzen A thinks that he's is very brave to ask the old lady without one arm to go to the Arena where they can solve all their differences. The citzen A doesn't think that this is an act of cowardice to figth and to beat up someone that is weaker physically. He really thinks that cowardice is the old lady without one armor refuses his demand for a fight. So, let's stop try to resolve all differences at the Arena. One citzen can beat other in a fight, what does it proves? Nothing, nothing more that one citzen is a better fighter then the other.

It's time to the good people of Sanctuary to stand up in front of the opression that comes from the ones that consider themselves as the real owners of this Town. This town is of all of us! Let's repeat that! The Town is ours!

Jon Jovem, The Bard and Wrtitter

[scribbled on a note posted beneath]

First of all, you fail to mention in the above examples certain actions of said citizens. It never occured to you in example 1 that citizen A and C may be right in the matter? I know what inncident you are referring to and it is painstakingly obvious that you are mearly sidding with citizen B due to your hatred of citizen A. You also fail to mention that the inncident happened as a result of YOUR slander to citizen A.

Secondly, it never occured to you perhaps paladins show this attitude to you because you're in need of it? You have made alot of mistakes, and I mean ALOT. The poster above being one of them, considering now you will have angered paladins not involved in what happened.

Thidly, the last example is just stupid, the duel that happened in real life was not between a criple and a knight, in fact, the one who had issued the duel to you was not a knight at all, simply a common citizen like yourself, and in your example, did the criple question the honour of the knight without any provokcation? Does the criple claim to be better than the knight? Does the cripple claim the attitude of said knight is condensending and wrong when the cripple acts in EXACTLY the same way?

You claim that paladins act all high and mighty, but you're far worse. You also fail to mention that a few days ago, in the rock, you slandered a paladin, who you even claimed at the time was a close friend of yours. You were told to appoligize, and you did, after roughly an hour or so of an unprovoked rant regarding knights. Perhaps before you question someones honour, you take yours into account as well. I'm sure if any reading this heard the full story, about what you said to one you claimed a friend, they would not be so quick to listen to your words, which are both rash and foolish.

*signed* Kaddaz

*reading both notices Jozan can be seen to nod on occasion as he reads the second before he walks off strangly slumped*

*Ruby reads the posters and lets out a long sigh - then with a cheeky grin draws silly stick men of a bard (wearing a funny hat) and a paladin (with a huuuuge sword) having a fight on the corners and spaces of the poster*

*A bat may be seen flying over, attaching this to the poster by some sort of sticky substance on the back, then flies away into the distance*

*The writing is bold and appears written in blood*


I admire your call for restraint, it will make my job much easier as a watchman if people actually take the time to think about what they are doing. In regards to paladins, however, I've arrested more then I can count, so do not feel that they are given any exceptions.

Finally, Talona can suck on my might. Come forward and speak your mind openly if you wish but quit littering the boards with you vague, misplaced threats.

*signed* Pvt. Lockwood

*a hooded man with black robes and yellow stripe reads what is written, obivously angered after reading this, about to punch the letters with his slimy green gloves. instead, he pats the letter gently. the patting seems to leave acid on the latter, and consumes it, the man walks away*

ooc: ----edit: excuse me, i was just notified i shouldnot destroy other's topic/post, so dms will delete this if not acceptable :S, but this what the char would have done in that case.